Avigilon Self-Learning Video Analytics |
Each sensor detects the movement of people and vehicles to notify you of critical events that may need further investigation and Avigilon Appearance Search technology enables you to search site-wide for a person or vehicle of interest. |
Flexible Sensor Configurations |
Multiple lens options combined with exceptional range of adjustment allow for a variety of coverage options in a wide range of environments. |
Resolução total de até 32 MP |
Provides exceptional coverage and image detail by combining the power of three or four multi-megapixel camera sensors. |
Tecnologia de compressão H.265 |
Reduz significativamente os requisitos de largura de banda e armazenamento, mantendo imagens com clareza e detalhamento |
Tecnologia de conteúdo IR adaptativo |
Fornece até 30 metros (100 pés) de iluminação e imagens excepcionais estáveis em condições de baixa luminosidade. |
Montagens de câmera intercambiáveis |
Pendant, in-ceiling, and outdoor surface mount options with the same camera module usable in most form factors. |